We know building your brand and maintaining your business is a big deal, and sometimes it’s easy to let certain things go overlooked...
At Howler, we recognize the importance of the tough stuff, the easy-to-forget things, the things you just don’t want to do, and we’re here to assist you in keeping things complete.

Social Media + Web Support
Snafus happen. Issues arise. We’re here to assist in solving any pesky problem with your websites and social media platforms.
Social Media Training
So, you want to have stellar socials, but you want to keep things in-house? No sweat. We offer comprehensive social media training for businesses by the hour, half day & full day.
Platform Basics
Content Delivery Strategies
Facebook Creator Studio
Third-Party Publishing + Insights (Hootsuite, Sprout)
Advertising on Social Media
Facebook Business Manager
Social Media Commerce
Facebook + Instagram Shopping
Integrating Shopify
Understanding Insights + Analytics
Get in touch for free consult so we can build a training plan that is right for you.

Social Media Management
We get that social media is just one more thing to worry about, but these days, social media is essential for brands and businesses. Howler offers full-service social media management including:
Profile Set-Ups + Optimization
Content Creation + Delivery
Boosting + Advertising
Social Media Commerce
Performance Reporting
Website Maintenence
Regular maintenance is key to keeping websites relevant and functional. From routine SEO updates, keeping web design updated to site and platform augmentations, we’ve got you covered.

Brand Workshops
We often see phenomenal products or ideas that only lack one thing: a bold, loud, and unforgettable identity.
Our brand workshops bring minds together from your end and ours to look from the outside in on what you have and what it could be.
We collaborate in real time through a series of exercises and activities to develop your brand’s look, your brand’s voice and your brand’s main messages and mantras.
Taking the time to know and understand yourself, your product, and your business is the foundation for forming a long-lasting and rock-solid brand.